Saturday, April 12, 2008

excuses, excuses

I swear it's a good one this time. I've been examining discussions, blogs, etc. about the NYU Summer Publishing Institute and Columbia Publishing Course, trying to decide which one is for me. I think I've come to the conclusion that NYU is where I want to be. A lot of what people are saying is that the two programs are similar, but Columbia is a little snootier. NYU apparently has a better location for non-meal-plan dining as well as for easy travel to vague publishing-related buildings you might have to visit. Also, NYU allows you to stay in the dorm even after the course is over, because they charge by the week. I haven't found evidence that Columbia would let you do that, even though their job fair is held after the program is over. To a country bumpkin like me, both programs are impressive. NYU seems a bit less scary because it lacks the Ivy League snobbery, and I'm sure you get basically the same information from both -- and having attended either program would be impressive to an employer, I would think.

I've been accepted by NYU and the Denver Publishing Institute so far. Denver's program was the first one I found out about, but it's been third-place in my mind just because of its location. The program boasts "the practicality of New York publishing connections [and] the informality and beauty of Colorado." That sounds pretty appealing, but I think if I have the chance to go to New York, I'd better take it. I haven't received word from Columbia yet about acceptance, but I should know by April 15. I initially put Columbia in the No. 1 spot, but now I'm not so sure. It could be that I'm just still scared I won't be accepted by them, but honestly the having-a-place-to-stay advantage is pretty important to me. Other people on the forums have asked this comparison question, but it seems like they don't get a lot of answers.

I'm getting so excited about going to New York. I almost feel like this is not even real -- like I'll wake up and somebody will be laughing at me. Like something could ruin this. I just can't let that happen. I've got to get my loan on this week and send in all the forms, figure out how the traveling will work, etc. I've read that the university starts a listserv for the attendees, so I'm looking forward to that. Until then, there's a Facebook group and MediaBistro forums. I'm reading it all, but I haven't posted anything yet. My head is still swimming!

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